Friday, June 29, 2007


Brian Ellis, Program Director verified my January 28th report this afternoon. I heard "98 The Kruz" during a dx-pedition to Lista on the south-west coast of Norway. My 25th Ontario station verified.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ole
    Here is an interesting story which connects to you hearing CKRU, Peterborough.

    I live near Peterborough, but I was in Barbados, listening to CKRU, after your letter arrived at the station. The morning announcer, (Mike Nelnyk, I think) talked about what an amazing catch you had made from so far away.

    After hearing that, I sent them an email, telling them a bit about the medium wave dx hobby, and how I had logged Croatia on mw. My email was also mentioned at a later time.

    So, Ole...congratulations on hearing the local station, I listen to and congratulations as well on your amazing number of Ontario Stations logged and confirmed.

    I can only envy you. Medium Wave dxing, is an extremely challening hobby here because the radio is filled from end to end, with thousands of voices and stations from across North America.

    My most productive dx'ing time comes during the auerora borealis, when stations across the nothern half of north America are attenuated.

    Congratulations on your fine catches.

    Win, VE3WFS
