When the FM season is about to start I sent a few remainders today to some French FM stations heard before. Radio Ondaine replied fast from Patricia Blanc, Directrice. Radio Ondaine was heard in 2003.
We heard KIID on AND1 in October 2007. Several reports to this Radio Disney station without any response until now when Station Manager Judy Remy kindly verified my report.
We heard WECU on AND1 in October 2007. I have tried several mails to the station without any luck. But finaly Mark Woodson, Vice President verified my report. WECU have been heard by several Scandinavian DX-ers the last 2 years. Thank you Mark for a new NC station.
This ESPN station was heard with a fair signal during AND4 with a ToH identification witch also included they FM autlet KZIA. E-mail from Scott Unash verified my report.
WGN is a station witch is very easy to hear in Scandinavia. Finaly I send them a report and Jim Carollo, Director of Engineering send me a nice e-mail and also a QSL and sticker to verify my report. Thank you Jim!
KHHO was heard with a fair ID on AND3. This station is not easy to hear due to KOA and KICY witch use to be very strong in northen scandinavia. Brief e-mail from Rich Moore verified my report.