KLFF was heard one morning on AND5 with a ID in a CJDC fade. The PD kindly confirm my report today. KLFF is one of the better stations found from the AND5 files so far:-)
KATA was heard a long time one morning on AND5 but it's difficult to get a local ID on ESPN stations. When they also "forgott" to put in a local ID in a ESPN brake I almost gave up. But finaly I manage to hear a ID and the PD kindly verified my report.
We did not hear only NA stations on AND5 in October 2009. But, so far we haven't payed mutch atencion to the LA stations. Radio Ritmo Stereo was heard with a good signal one morning. Nice e-mail with several photos received yesterday.
WWTC "The Patriot" is heard often in Northen Norway. I haven't sent them any report before now. E-mail from the CE verified my report and promissed to send me a verification via mail also.
The second citcomm station from Tucson, KTUC, was heard the same morning as KCUB. Nice TOH ID was heard and the Chief Engineer verified this report also. Thank you!
Stations from Arizona is most welcome and we have heard many of them on Andoya. KCUB was heard on AND5 with they legal TOH identification one morning. Chief Engineer verified my report.